Sitting on my shelf, full of bookmarks, waiting as the dust slowly rises. . .
- 2666 – Robert Bolaño
- The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman – Laurence Stern
- Kafka on the Shore – Haruki Murakami
- My Name is Red – Orhan Pamuk
- What is the What – Dave Eggers
- Moby Dick – Herman Melville
Some of these will be difficult (I am looking at you, Murakami. I like your weirdness, I like your language, but I wish you’d actually come up with a story or at least try to wrangle in the mess you spill out onto paper), but I will finish most of these! I swear.
Books I need to finish
Where is the facebook like link ?
Good idea. I’ll add one to the blog.